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Work and pizza: 5th transnational project meeting took place in the Italian city of Pisa

The 5th transnational project meeting of the project was held from the 28th June to the 1st of July 2016 in the beautiful surroundings of the Italian city of Pisa. The meeting was attended by representatives from four schools - from Italy, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

Hungarian, Romanian and Czech representatives of partner schools accepted the invitation to Pisa to discuss the project outputs and administrative issues of the project. During the meeting partners agreed on details regarding the creation of the project E-book and were familiarized with the techniques of creating the E-book. A variety of catering teaching methods in the English language was shown to them by the Italian partner. Some of these examples of good practice will be included in another project output – in the Methodology i.e. summary of the methods for catering teaching. The meeting also included the discussion of the successful integration of students into catering teaching. Important part of the meeting was also presentation of the ways of project promotion and dissemination.

Moreover, the participants agreed on the date of the final transnational project meeting, which will be held in April 2017 in Pisa again. Italian partners took over the organization of the final meeting instead of a Spanish partner, who withdrew from the project in 2015.

After discussing all project issues the participants couldn’t miss the sightseeing in Pisa.

The second day of the stay the participants moved to beautiful Florence, where there is a world-famous private cooking school. It is equipped with the top-class equipment and devices and respected catering specialist teach there. Graduates of this school are employed not only in Italian restaurants and pizzerias, but also in restaurants around the world.

Participants of the meeting also had the opportunity to taste some delicious Italian dishes with typical Italian leisurely dining.

The tasks for the next period of this three-year project have been set, all that was needed was discussed, all partners said goodbye and came back to their countries.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Interactive Catering & Tourism is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme under the Registration number 2014-1-CZ01-KA201-002130.

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