Rumania: Technical College Ioan C. Stefánescu, Iasi
Colegiul Tehnic Ioan C. Stefánescu is locaded in Iasi, Moldavia heart, founded in June 1968 by the Ministry of Education Order no. 2926/01.06.1968. Technical College "Ioan C. Stefanescu" is an educational institution providing training in the fields of tourism and catering, hygiene and aesthetics of the human body, textile and leather industry. It aims to develop autonomous and creative personality of the students, providing high quality training based on knowledge of general and professional skills training, enabling students to pursue a profession, further studies in higher education and achieve their own business.
Established in 1968, the school has meant not only the continuation of a tradition of textile education in Iasi but rather the formation of a national center for training specialists in the technical field. 1968 marked a significant turning point in the life of the school by completing Socola Street premises. This year evolution of the number of classes and teachers has been steadily increasing.
Trained in European programs Technical College "John C. Stefanescu" presented to the partners as a high school pontenţial showing various activities so that guests from Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, Portugal, Scotland, Tara Wales, they wanted to partner with us and to initiate new projects, finding the teaching staff and students, colleagues who you show the world on education, general education and technology. These findings have resulted in winning the competition in 2007 and in 2011, the "European School". This title decisively marked the further development of the institution, helping to develop broader and more effective strategies to promote European projects and to educate students in the spirit of European citizenship.
The most important features of the school:
Quality , performance, and additional cross-curricular education as a basis for lifelong learning, optimization activities that allow students to have knowledge, but mostly individual study skills and capabilities of adaptation to constantly changing working conditions - these are the coordinates entire activity of the school .
Forming a favorable attitude towards the process knowledge to the process of education and self-education, the development of open thinking , critical , creative , flexible and entrepreneurial thinking development , exposure to the practical consequences of education, encouraging initiative and availability in order to assume the tasks varied, stimulating students to reach the upper limits of the possible , ensuring equal opportunities on employment and occupational mobility;
Maintaining and enriching partnerships, launch new and diverse extra-curricular activities in the context educational policy of the school and establishing links EU institutions in order to share experiences in the student-teacher.
The Technical College Ioan C. Stefanescu is a training school for adults and it have been involved in more international project, e.g. tow Comenius, six-Leonardo Da Vinci mobilitees for trainers and students. It has hosted three assistants Comenius. Technical College has been involved in a LIP Project with CRISI Cooperativa Sociale in the context of Grundtvig Project.