Hungary: School of Business Szeged
The institution is run by the School of Business Vezetőképző és Tanácsadó Kiemelten Közhasznú Nonprofit KFT.
The school runs training courses based on secondary school final exam in the school nationwide network. So far, 8 692 post-secondary students and advanced level students, furthermore, 4,376 secondary students have obtained any qualifications here. Since 2007 the training courses can be completed in modules so more qualifications can be obtained by additional modules.
The courses accredited by a university or college education: legal assistant, tourism professional manager, accounting assistant, institutional communicator. Our trainings take place on the basis of the School of Business Secondary School’s common professional programs, so the interoperability between the institutions insured. We have been extending our educational courses year by year.
The vocational training school is built on NTR since graduation in 1999. By the leadership of Dr. Mihály Révész, 40 students started the courses of office management and tourism. By the next school year, there were more than 100 students applied for admission to our school. The main directions of GCSE based courses: Management, Information Technology, Tourism, Human (sports journalist, child care)
Our college/university accredited post-secondary vocational trainings are available in the field of tourism and foreign language (English) ICM vocational subjects.
We have more than 400 major students at school.
The 2009 school year was a turning point led by Dr. Mihály Révész who created vocational training, tourism, education and information technology disciplines. Besides English language, German and Spanish languages are also taught for students interested.
A significant number of students find work due to their qualifications, some of them continue their studies at a university or college.
The executive editor of Mako Town Television has graduated from our school. The music editor of Radio 88 Channel, Bálint K. Gergő was also our student. Many of the graduates of computer studies have found jobs abroad. The South-Hungarian travel agencies can be found in almost all of our graduates.
The school's success:
Information Technology nationwide competitions between 2009 and 2011, most of our students were ranked as winners.
We won the Futsal championship in the Students’ Olympics. We also participated in the national finals successfully.
We have 4 computer rooms, and more than 100 computers and notebooks. All our classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards.
Támop program: SROP - 3.1.4-12 / 2-2012-0249 School Innovation 2012, until March 2015.
HUF 251,000,000 can be spent on pedagogical innovation, sports, environmental education, development of ICT tools and language skills, teacher training.