EU is the world's top tourist destination with the highest density and variety of tourist attractions, generating over 10 % of EU GDP. To keep it that way, we must enhance and upgrade services and products. Moreover, quality and supply of services in tourism is different around Europe. Each region has its own uniqueness and its attractiveness differs as well from other regions. However, apart from historical sites, each of the EU country has a strong identity that can reveal itself in its national cuisine.
This is why education providers in the field of tourism, catering and ICT need to constantly improve their ability to teach students in order for them to be able to meet needs of the tourism market, and improve their employability opportunities. Historical places and cultural heritage differences such as gastronomy are more than often hidden from the knowledge of young students. This may be due to a wide range of factors, from language barrier to total lack of interest, non-appropriated educational methods and the lack of information.
This analysis is supported by many specialists in this field around Europe and the globe, and the lack of transversal skills in these fields was pointed out and highlighted by several Cedefop publications, events and survey.