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4th International Meeting in Otrokovice: We are in the middle of the project period already!

The project Interactive Catering and Tourism: a European Approach has reached the middle of the project implementation period. Since the beginning of the project four meetings took place and in January 2016 the partners gathered for the 4th time. This time the meeting took place in Otrokovice where a study visit was organized by SPŠ Otrokovice on the 13th - 15th of January.

The meeting started on the 13th of January with a social dinner where all partners exchange experience with the creation of the Outputs and with their use in classes.

The main aim of the project is to create a shared methodology for teachers which will be based on the experience and best practice provided by all the partners. The methodology will present the best ways to combine ICT and language skills when teaching catering and tourism at high schools. During the meeting in Otrokovice SPŠ Otrokovice presented the best practices that are used at Czech schools - the presentation was completed by fruitful discussion by all partners and the meeting took place untill late evening hours.

Apart from the work on the Outputs there was a session dedicated to project management and financial management of the project as strict rules are applied to the project by the Czech National Erasmus+ Agency.

On the last day, the 15th of January the partners met again, this time in Zlin where they visited a detached facility of the SPŠ Otrokovice designed for the practical classes of the 3rd grade students (in the cook-waiter field of study). As a last piece of the programme the partners enjoyed a presentation of food preparation including some tasting of Czech traditional meals.

The next meeting will be held in June 2016 in sunny Italy.

See you in Pisa!

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Interactive Catering & Tourism is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme under the Registration number 2014-1-CZ01-KA201-002130.

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