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Students of the Technical College “Ioan C. Stefanescu” to take part in the national stage of the Mad

Denisa Ionela Toboşaru and Bogdan Valentin Acatrinei, students of the Technical College “Ioan C. Stefanescu”, took part in the county stage of the contest Made for Europe on 25th to 27th March 2016. They presented two of the final products of the Startegic Partnership Project INTERACTIVE CATERING AND TOURISM, A EUROPEAN APPROACH.

Denisa Ionela Toboşaru got the 1st prize for delivering a presentation of the project web page:!news/c1xt. Bogdan Valentin Acatrinei was awarded the 2nd prize for advertising the recipe book Recipes… to Tell Stories about!, which is part of a future e-book. The two students were coordinated by Mrs. Ecaterina Leiţoiu and Mrs. Cătălina Rusu, teachers of the Technical College “Ioan C. Stefanescu” Iaşi, Romania.

Denisa Ionela Toboşaru will also go to Satu Mare to participate in the national stage of this contest. We wish her good luck!

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Interactive Catering & Tourism is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme under the Registration number 2014-1-CZ01-KA201-002130.

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