Free English Language Teaching Resources Online
Apart from creating our own Open Educational Resources it is always useful to look for ready resources that can be found online and used...

1st Open Educational Resources have been uploaded
Open educational resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, and...

Ioan C. Stefanescu Technical Colleg titled as European School
Ioan C. Stefanescu Technical College has received, for the third consecutive time, the Title of European School, thanks to their...

Experiences in Eastern Europe
If you're a history geek and you’re into experiences, Eastern Europe’s best destinations allow you to step back in time to savor...

3rd succesful meeting of ICT partners in Hungary
The 3rd TM took place in Szeged. Located in Central Europe, Szeged is the third biggest city in Hungary, lies on Hungary's south-eastern...

The 2nd international meeting of the project took place in Iasi, Romania
From the 11th to the 13th of February 2015, the partners exchanged knowledge about best practices in teaching catering and tourism, took...

The kick-off meeting of the project took place in Otrokovice, Czech Republic
The first activity that was implemented in the project was the kick-off meeting in Otrokovice which took part with the participation of...